
Doug KalishDOUGSGUIDES  are a set of online guides, ebooks and workshops to help you start out in the real world.  The main topics are in the dougsguides nav bar to the right.  You should also check out 'How to Use this Site.' 

I began working on this website in July 2011 with the encouragement of my grown kids and their friends.  I had some opportunities over the past few years to work with my good friend Carl Cohen, providing workshops to science graduates and post-docs who were about to enter the business world for the first time.  Most of these workshops dealt with how to handle difficult people and stressful situations and crazy bosses.  During one of these workshops I realized that the problem was bigger than just dealing with tough situations, and the audience was larger than just scientists.  College doesn't really prepare you for the real world and it doesn't give you the tools you need to be successful in business.  I began jotting down notes and asking my 'board of advisors' (my kids and their friends) what they wish they had known when they were starting out in business after leaving college.  The result is this website and dougsguides.

If you want to know more about me, there is some background about me on the Welcome page and some career details in 'Plan your career - or not'.  I've attached a full resume to this page.

BTW, if you google 'Doug Kalish', I'm not the HR guy, the bass fisher or the one who paints dog portraits.  There is also another Doug Kalish who is active in KM at Deloitte.  I am the Doug Kalish whose mother wrote 'Little Heathens'.

This website is a labor of love.  Please let me know what you think of it and make comments and suggestions. You can like dougsguides on Facebook, follow  on Twitter and connect with Doug Kalish on LinkedIn.

Doug Kalish


Board of Advisors

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