About four years into graduate school I very nervously told my advisor I wouldn't be looking for an academic job. In those days (the late '70's), it was a very rare student who didn't do a post-doc. I was very fortunate that he was totally supportive of my plan and he convinced me to finish my thesis, get my degree and then leave. He continued to make me feel welcome in the lab and I never regretted my decision.
Not all PIs are like that.
We've all heard stories about PIs who shun students who want to work outside the academy. Convincing them is tough job. I'm not going to try.
But there are other PIs who, like mine, support their students career goals whatever they may be. I want to help them. I'm assembling a list of resources to help PIs who want to mentor their students into non-academic careers. This will probably turn into an on-campus workshop and online resources.
Has your PI helped you realized your career aspirations? Tell me how, so I can tell others. Leave a comment below (you'll have to register on the site first to reduce spam), or send me email.
PI support
Your last point is really