Quiz: Dealing with Difficult People and Situations

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Question 1

Your job on a project is to submit a spreadsheet analysis. A co-worker looks at it and says: "This spreadsheet is filled with errors. Didn't you check it? I would be embarrassed to let anyone see it.  Is this really the best you can do?" How would you respond?
Well, nobody's perfect.  I've seen you make plenty of mistakes.  These are pretty trivial errors and I can fix them quickly and get back to you real soon.
Hey, not my fault. I checked it over and it looked ok to me.  If you think you can do a better job, then go ahead.
I thought I had checked this over but now I see there are some mistakes in the formulas. I know how frustrating it is for you to get work with errors in it.  Do you have any tips for finding errors in spreadsheets?
I am an evil-doer: